Monday, January 17, 2011

Long Weekends

While I love having my kids home and being able to spend time with them, there is something to be said for a regular weekend! I like to sleep in on a Monday do not get me wrong but that extra day home is an extra day of fighting for my kids. Stress for me with the arguing over everything!!! There are times like today where you would swear that we were on a road trip! Mom he's looking at me, His feet are touching me!!!!! Mommmmmmmmy I don't wanna , he just, she just, mom mom mom mom MOM!!!!!!
Nothing makes me happier on days like today than well BEDTIME! lol The peace and quiet. No more complaining about looking ats, breathings at, moving lips at!
See on a Saturday morning we can all sleep in, watch some cartons and have a lazy morning together. This is followed up by getting some chores done and then lunch. Later we can play games, watch movies or what ever.
Sunday the tension can be mounting but still bearable. Same sleeping in , cartoons, breakfast. But no chores! Something that you would think would make everyone very happy... but alas no. By the end of Sunday we are all ready for school on Monday!
Now Give them that Monday off and by the end of the day I have 3 kids more than ready for school on Tuesday! One that does not want to go because he wants to stay home with mommy! 2 parents that are ready for all of them to get out and life to get back to normal!
Again I love my kids and I love to spend time with them .... But 3 WHOLE days in a row... What!!! lol Far far too much time!!!
Well Time for me to get going ... the fighting is starting to escalate again! Yea Me!

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